Marcus Taylor

Marcus Taylor is a good soldier.
Sometimes his behavior can seem hard,
but he is a very realistic man
and he knows that if you want to obtain something in life,
you must always fight for it.

He risks losing his Sergeant’s rank,
when he decides to move
the body of the young soldier Bell,
to make believe
that the guy had died
during a mission,
so that he can have a medal.

Taylor and Ruiz live through an awful moment, when for 20 days,
they are trapped in enemy territory.
Believing it to be the end, Taylor talks with Ruiz
and he thinks aloud of the questions which
he will never have an answer to...
Will there be life on Mars,
will there ever be an Afro- American
or Puerto Rican President…

Ruiz has kept for the last meal
a little piece of chocolate
and he now shares this with his friend.
As too much time has passed,
their fellow soldiers believe that they’re dead,
but a miracle saves them.
It’s a wonderful moment,
when the guys hug their friends again.

Taylor takes to heart the situation of the Vietnamese woman,
who with her little baby is escaping from her husband.
Marcus cries, when the woman is killed by a bomb.
Taylor stays in Vietnam till the end
to fight for his country.

Team Viking Tour of Duty
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